This popular offroad park has 450 acres of mud bogs, woods trails plus 100 acres of scattered lakes. All OHVs are welcomed and amenities include restroom and hot shower facilities and a truck spray wash area. East Coast Offroad Park is only open during select weekends so be sure call first before heading out. Fishing and camping is permitted at no extra charge
{ Last know status: Closed | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: November 21, 2018 }
Nearest city to East Coast Offroad Park is Hortense, Georgia
View Hortense, GA on Google Maps
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Whip flags are required
first and third saturday of the month 9am-6pm
$15.00 per person weekend pass - $35
East Coast Offroad Park 340 Cumberland Road Hortense, GA 31543 (800) 339-1381 [email protected]
East Coast Offroad Park - Facebook
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