Moss Lake Motorcycle Trail opened to the general public on June 27, 2009 thanks to the hard work of the UP Sandstormers Club and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Open to motorcycles only, this loop is 27 miles long and is geared toward the experienced rider. Moss Lake Motorcycle Trail has two staging areas but no services so come prepared.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: December 24, 2017 }
Nearest city to Moss Lake Motorcycle Trail is Nahma, Michigan
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 94 db
Tent: $18.00, RV: $18.00, Additional vehicle: $0.00 flowing well campground fee
Hiawatha National Forest - Rapid River Ranger District 8181 US Highway 2 Rapid River, MI 49829 (906) 474-6442 [email protected]
Upper Michigan's Sandstormers ORV Club P.O. Box 279 Marquette, MI 49855 (906) 228-7010 info@
Michigan DNR - Office of Lands And Facilities P.O. Box 30181 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-1204 [email protected]
No Description
open link,4570,7-153-31574_31577-305352--,00.html
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