West Mountain Trail - The trail begins in a valley, crosses several creeks, and passes through meadows and forests as it gradually ascends West Mountain Ridge. The trail passes Snowbank Mountain, Jacob's Ladder, Hangman's Tree and Tripod Lookout, providing panoramic views of Round Valley, Long Valley, Smith's Ferry and Cascade. The trail soon crosses Poison Creek and passes through several bogs. Within 2.5 miles, the trail crosses Squaw Creek for the first time, and then climbs steeply through a meadow. As it reaches a tributary of Squaw Creek, it changes direction abruptly from southeast to east. Recreationists should watch for a large arrow cut in a tree on the west side of the trail. The trail is bordered by rock cairns and passes through a meadow, ascends a small hill, and passes the signed intersection of the Wilson Corrals Trail. The trail soon reaches the northern end of Wilson Meadows, which is marshy in early spring. At the southern edge of Wilson Meadows, the West Mountain Trail is intersected by tw
{ Last know status: Unknown | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: September 03, 2016 }
No Description
open linkhttp://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/boise/recarea/?recid=5079
LOCATION- There are two access points for this trail. The section of trail between Wilson Meadows and Tripod Lookout will be difficult to find because the main trail is bisected by cow paths. The trail south of Wilson Meadows is grazed by cattle in the summer and fall. ACCESS #1- From Smith’s Ferry on State Highway 55, just past Horseshoe Bend, Idaho, travel west on Forest Service (FS) Road 644 for 2.5 miles to the intersection of FS Road 626. Go northwest on FS Road 626 for about 20 miles to Sagehen R
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