Wet Foot Trail - This trail leaves the Middle Fork of Payette River and climbs to the ridge between the Middle Fork and the North Fork of the Payette. There are views of Wet foot Creek and the Middle Fork as the trail ascends, and the timber types change from ponderosa pine to subalpine fir at the upper elevations. The trail is easily accessed from the Boiling Springs Campground or Guard Station. Partway up, the trail intersects a logging road that is open to ATVs and motorcycles but closed to full size vehicles. You will have to use the system road to connect to the upper portion of the trail.
{ Last know status: Unknown | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: September 03, 2016 }
No Description
open linkhttp://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/boise/recarea/?recid=5080
From Boise, Idaho, take State Highway 55 north 35 miles to Banks, Idaho. At Banks, turn east onto the (Banks-Lowman Road) State Highway 17 and proceed to Crouch, Idaho. From Crouch, continue north on Forest Service Road 698 (Middle Fork Payette River Road) approximately 22.3 mile to the end. The trailhead is located on the left.
The Middle Fork Payette River / Wet Foot Trailhead includes a hitching rack and visitor information. It serves Middle Fork Payette River (#033) and Wet Foot (#441) / Skunk Creek-Wet Foot (#041) trails. Southeast from the trailhead across the river is a dispersed camping area that will accommodate horses. The trailhead is located near Boiling Springs Campground and Boiling Springs rental cabin. All trailheads have space for parking.
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