This is a primitive trailhead that provides access to the Jack Creek drainage and the Never Summer Wilderness. The upper portion of FDR #758 is not suitable for passenger cars, 4WD is recommended. The trail is an old jeep road and is not well signed, although one should have no problem hiking through open meadows up to the pass. The trail is fairly steep up to the Continental Divide. Camping areas are available all along this trail. Spectacular views of Jack Creek drainage and the Never Summer Mountains can be seen. The trail enters the Never Summer Wilderness at the Continental Divide and Baker Pass. Please refer to the Wilderness Regulations. The wilderness is closed to motorized and mechanized vehicles.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: September 03, 2016 }
Special restrictions in Never Summer Wilderness.
No site fee; current Colorado ATV/OHV/Snowmobile registration required.
No Description
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From Walden. Drive south on Hwy 125 passing through the small town of Rand. Approximately 2 miles past Rand turn left on County Road 21. Drive approximately 4 miles to the intersection of Forest Road 740 and 750. Take the left hand fork following the 740 Road approximately 4miles to the intersection with the 740 and the 758 Forest Roads. Take the right hand turn following the 758 road approximately 6 miles to the Jack Park Trailhead at the end of the road.
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