The Wallowa Mountains/Eagle Cap Area is located in the center of the Wallowa Mountains west of Enterprise, east of LaGrande, Oregon, and north of Halfway, Oregon. This area includes developed recreation sites and trails for the Eagle Cap Wilderness, the Pine area of the Whitman Ranger District and the east side of the La Grande Ranger District. Popular recreation areas include the Eagle Cap Wilderness, Lostine River Canyon, Hurricane Creek, Reds Horse Ranch, the Lakes Basin, Wallowa Lake Tram, Moss Springs, Catherine Creek, West and East Eagle, Fish Lake, Cornucopia, Clear Creek and 4 wild and scenic rivers: Lostine, Minam, Imnaha, Eagle Creek. Local communities that have a variety of services (i.e. fuel, lodging, stores and/or restaurants) are Enterprise, Joseph, Lostine, Wallowa, LaGrande, Island City, Elgin, Cove, Halfway, Richland, Baker City . These communities are within one hthe of this area
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: October 06, 2021 }
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