The Corner Trail #5242 (Arapeen Route #29) is 2.9 miles long. It begins at Forest Road #50024 and ends at Skyline Drive #50150. This trail is recommended for experienced riders due to landslide activity, wet areas, and steep rocky inclines. Difficulty Level: Most Difficult
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: September 03, 2016 }
Open to: Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) less than or equal to 50 inches wide.
No Description
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From Mayfield, turn east onto Canyon Rd and travel 5.5 miles. Stay left at junction and continue toward Skyline Drive another 11.6 miles. Turn right onto Forest Road #51170 and travel approximately 1.4 miles. Turn left onto Forest Road #50024 and travel approximately 3.5 miles to Corner Trail #5242.
Latitude: 39 05' 43.5" Longitude: 111 30' 57.2" Datum: NAD 83 Position Format: Degrees Minutes Seconds
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