At one time this property was a working cattle ranch but is now open to the general public for trail riding and camping. The property has about 150+ miles of trails with plans to add more. Terrain ranges from wide open and grassy to moderate and rugged loops with rocky hill climbs and numerous creek crossings. Cross Bar Ranch has campground which has 28 sites, each with electric hookups, concrete pads, picnic tables and BBQ grills. Primitve camping is also permitted and there is plenty of room for those who want to bring a tent. Amenities include restroom facilities, ATV rentals, an outdoor pavilion plus live music once a month.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: December 08, 2020 }
Nearest city to Cross Bar Ranch is Davis, Oklahoma
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
daily 8am-5pm
$10.00 per person kids 12 and under - $5/person
Tent: $2.00, RV: $25.00, Additional vehicle: $0.00 Tent/primitive sites - add $2/person/night to daily admission fee.
Cross Bar Ranch 4530 Dolese Road Davis, OK 73030 (580) 369-2939 (580) 369-2988 [email protected]
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