Murphys MX has a main track, a separate peewee track and several miles of hare scramble trails. The track is normally open for practice on weekends from 9am to 4pm and primitive camping is permitted. For current conditions check the track hotline at (512) 764-2154.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: November 29, 2017 }
Nearest city to Murphys MX is Red Rock, Texas
View Red Rock, TX on Google Maps
open link
weekends 9am-4pm
$2.00 per person spectator fee
$20.00 per rider 50cc and 65cc bikes - $10
Tent: $10.00, RV: $10.00, Additional vehicle: $0.00
Murphys MX 231 FM 86 Red Rock, TX 78662 (512) 764-2154
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