While not a major OHV destination, this trail is located next to Lake Vermilion, voted as one of the top 10 most beautiful lakes in the United States. The trail connects the town of Tower to McKinley Campground and a public beach. Tower Multi Use Trail has numerous camping and boating opportunities, and highlights include primitive campsites and picnic areas located on Hinsdale Island that can only be accessed by a boat. For a unique camping opportunity rent an entire island! Nearby Soudan Underground Mine State Park has visitors daily tours from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
{ Last know status: Closed | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: December 02, 2020 }
Nearest city to Tower Multi Use Trail is Tower, Minnesota
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
april 1 - november 30
City of Tower 602 Main Street Tower, MN 55790 (218) 753-4070 [email protected]
Minnesota DNR License Bureau 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 (888) 665-4236 [email protected]
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