Located near Carabelle, Florida, this offroad park has deep mud pits and a drag strip. Primitive camping is permitted and vault toilets and garbage cans are provided. The property also has a spray wash area, a concrete boat ramp and a kids playground. Numerous live music concerts from both nationally known and local artists are held thorough the year. Crooked Creek Mud Bogg is open during select weekends and future plans include expanding the property to add more mud pits, a beach area plus an oval track.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: November 09, 2017 }
Nearest city to Crooked Creek Mud Bogg is Carabelle, Florida
View Carabelle, FL on Google Maps
open linkhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Carabelle%2C+FL
open during select weekends, check website for dates
$20.00 per rider fee covers the entire weekend
Crooked Creek Mud Bogg 201 Crooked Creek Road Carrabelle, FL 32322 (850) 519-7054 [email protected]
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