Quick Track MX appears to be closed but if you know better than send us a support ticket and we will update this listing. The property offered a main track that consisted of sand and loamy soil and had all the standard jumps, tabletops and whoops as well as some deep sandy berms and big sweeps. The main track was challenging enough for seasoned riders but safe enough for beginners too. A separate peewee track was available as well as a couple little play trails under the trees.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: October 27, 2020 }
Nearest city to Quick Track MX is Polk City, Florida
View Polk City, FL on Google Maps
open linkhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Polk+City%2C+FL
saturday and sunday 10am-3pm
$25.00 per rider
Quick Track MX 2881 Old Polk City Road Lake Alfred, FL 33844 (863) 398-6542 [email protected]
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