Play Dirt MX And BMX Facility has a track that is 3/4 of a mile long and 3.25 miles of tight and narrow ATV trails. Both track and trails are built into and through the woods. There are plans to expand and add more trails, a separate peewee track, BMX track and mountain bike trails. A concession stand is available that sells some basic snacks and water.
{ Last know status: Closed | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: November 20, 2018 }
Nearest city to Play Dirt MX And BMX Facility is Cameron, North Carolina
View Cameron, NC on Google Maps
open link
Max Width of: 72 inches
friday and saturday 10am-6pm, sunday 1pm-6pm
$20.00 per rider atv trail only - $15/rider
Play Dirt MX And BMX Facility 896 Hillmon Grove Road Cameron, NC 28326 (919) 964-0007 [email protected]
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