Located in western Maryland, Meadow Mountain Trail System has a few non-motorized trails and a 4x4 trail that is about three miles long. The trail is open year-round and is normally dry and rocky but is closed seasonally to offroad use between December 15 through March 15. All OHVs must display a Maryland ORV Sticker which can be purchased at the Savage River State Forest Ranger Station. During the winter months snowmobiles are permitted on the trails. There are numerous primitive campsites scattered throughout the forest however nearby New Germany State Park has boating, camping, swimming and cabin rentals.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: May 21, 2021 }
Nearest city to Meadow Mountain Trail System is Grantsville, Maryland
View Grantsville, MD on Google Maps
open linkhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Grantsville%2C+MD
Nearest city to Meadow Mountain Trail System is Grantsville, Maryland
View Grantsville, MD on Google Maps
open linkhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Grantsville%2C+MD
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 84 db
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 84 db
march 16 - dec 14
march 16 - dec 14
Savage River State Forest 127 Headquarters Lane Grantsville, MD 21536 (301) 895-5759
No Description
open linkhttp://dnr2.maryland.gov/forests/Pages/publiclands/western_savageriverforest.aspx
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Savage River State Forest 127 Headquarters Lane Grantsville, MD 21536 (301) 895-5759
No Description
open linkhttp://dnr2.maryland.gov/forests/Pages/publiclands/western_savageriverforest.aspx
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
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