Located in southwestern Maryland, this property has over 3,000 acres of woods trails, steep hill climbs, a motocross track and mud pits. The trails range from easy to difficult with some offering scenic views of the Potomac River and of the surrounding valley. The property also has a couple swimming holes and primitive camping is permitted. An appointment is required which can be made by calling (301) 453-3369 or (301) 334-3540. Both daily and annual passes are offered. Call before you haul.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: December 15, 2019 }
Nearest city to Wolf Den Hunting and Riding Club is Kitzmiller, Maryland
View Kitzmiller, MD on Google Maps
open linkhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Kitzmiller%2C+MD
Nearest city to Wolf Den Hunting and Riding Club is Kitzmiller, Maryland
View Kitzmiller, MD on Google Maps
open linkhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Kitzmiller%2C+MD
appointment required monday - thursday; friday - sunday 8am to 5pm
appointment required monday - thursday; friday - sunday 8am to 5pm
$20.00 per rider annual pass - $150/person
$20.00 per rider annual pass - $150/person
Wolf Den Hunting And Riding Club (301) 453-3369 (301) 334-3540
Wolf Den Hunting And Riding Club (301) 453-3369 (301) 334-3540
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