Indian Creek Valley ATV Club was formed September 30, 2000 as a family oriented organization that promotes outdoor safety and respect for the environment. They are a private club with a 35 Mile trail system
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: 35 Mile(s) | Last updated: September 13, 2016 }
Nearest city to Indian Creek Valley ATV Club is Melcroft, Pennsylvania
View Melcroft, PA on Google Maps
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Max Width of: 64 inches
daily year-round except during hunting season.
$95.00 per ohv
Indian Creek Valley ATV Club P.O. Box 295 Indian Head, PA 15446 (412) 979-3551
PA ATV Registration / Insurance Info P.O. Box 8553 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8553 (717) 783-9227
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