This motocross facility has a 1.5 long mile track, a supercross track with lights, a freestyle course with ramps plus around 6.5 miles of woods trails. Both tracks consist of loamy top soil and have around 375’ of elevation changes. Miles Mountain Motocross has plenty of room for parking and camping and there are several bleachers for spectators.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: June 09, 2020 }
Nearest city to Miles Mountain Motocross is Elkland, Pennsylvania
View Elkland, PA on Google Maps
open link
seasonal (practice dates vary)
$25.00 per rider 50cc - $20/rider
Miles Mountain Motocross 8802 Rt. 49 Elkland, PA 16920 (570) 418-2260 [email protected]
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