The Pole Canyon Trail #5073 is 2.1 miles in length and provides access between Utah Highway 31 at approximately MP 29 and Forest Road #50250 on Gentry Mountain. It climbs 1,712 feet from 7,851 feet in elevation to 9,563 feet. The trail begins in spruce/fir stands and passes through scattered douglas/fir for the first mile. It then enters sagebrush/snowberry meadows intermixed with aspen and mountain mahogany until it intersects with Forest Road #50250 on Gentry Mountain. Difficulty Level: More Difficult Elevation Change: West End (Highway 31): 7,851 feet East End (Road #50250): 9,563 feet
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: October 20, 2017 }
Open to: Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, Motorcycle Trail Riding.
From Huntington, head north on Main Street for approximately 0.5 miles. Turn left onto UT-31 and travel approximately 18.8 miles to Pole Canyon Trail #5073 located on ythe right.
Latitude: 39 30' 60.0"N Longitude: 111 09' 17.9"W Datum: NAD 83 Position Format: Degrees Minutes Seconds
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