The Paradise Creek Trail #5103 (Arapeen Route #57) is 1.8 miles in length and provides a loop opportunity between Forest Road #52208 north of Potters Ponds and Forest Road #53306 at Scad Valley Divide. Vegetation along the trail is aspen interspersed with meadows. Difficulty Level: Easiest
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: September 03, 2016 }
Open to: Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, Motorcycle Trail Riding, ATV Trail Riding, Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) less than or equal to 60 inches wide with four or more low pressure tires. This trail is closed during spring runoff at the same time Miller Flat Road #50014 is closed to protect resources.
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From Orangeville, head north on Main Street for approximately 0.7 miles. Continue onto UT-29 and travel for approximately 15.1 miles. Turn right onto Miller Flat Road #50014 and travel approximately 11.3 miles. Turn left onto Forest Road #53306 and continue approximately 0.3 miles to Paradise Creek Trail #5103.
Latitude: 39 28' 12.9"N Longitude: 111 15' 23.2"W Datum: NAD 83 Position Format: Degrees Minutes Seconds
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