The Edison Butte OHV Trail System, about 25 miles long, is located on the slopes of Kwolh Butte and Sheridan Mountain, west of Bend. The OHV Trails are open to all Classes (motorcycles, Quads, Jeeps, Side by Sides) of ATVs under 80" in width from April 1 - November 30. The trail system goes through ponderosa pine and manzanita forest in the lower elevations, near the Edison Sno-Park into stands of hemlock trees near Kwolh Butte and Sheridan Mountain. The volcanic terrain can be challenging for various use
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: 25 Mile(s) | Last updated: April 01, 2022 }
Nearest city to Edison Butte OHV and Sno-Park is Bend, Oregon
Known points on this trail
Starting point for Edison Butte OHV Trail System
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 99 db
Max Width of: 80 inches
Vehicles exceeding 80 inches in width are not allowed on the Edison OHV trails. Closed to OHV use December 1 to March 31
ORV April 1 - November 30; Snowpark open as weather allows
April 1st - November 30th
Central Oregon OHV Operations 1230 NE 3rd Street Suite A-262 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 383-4010
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Deschutes & Ochoco NF - Bend / Fort Rock Ranger District 1230 NE 3rd Street, Suite A-262 Bend, OR 97701 (541) 383-4000
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open link
Oregon ATV Safety Education Card (877) 772-3359 [email protected]
From Bend, travel 19.1 miles west on Cascade Lakes Hwy (46), then 4.3 miles south on Forest Road 45. Access from: Edison Butte Staging Area/Sno-Park
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