The Rock Creek OHV Area, of the Mt. Hood National Forest, offers a whooping 50 miles for designated motorized trails. The trails are twisty and narrow and normally a mix of loose dirt and hardpack. However, in dry weather the parks becomes little dusty. You can park your vehicles or bikes down the road at Gate Creek.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: April 01, 2022 }
Nearest city to Rock Creek OHV Area is Tygh Valley, Oregon
View Tygh Valley, OR on Google Maps
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A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 99 db
Max Width of: 50 inches
april 1 - november 30
Mt. Hood National Forest - Barlow Ranger District 16400 Champion Way 780 NE Court Street, OR 97021 (541) 467-2291
No Description
open link
NOMAC / Northern Oregon Motorcycle And ATV Club [email protected]
Oregon ATV Safety Education Card (877) 772-3359 [email protected]
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