Offers views of Santa Barbara coastline, Upper Santa Ynez Valley and San Rafael Mountains. Divide Peak Road is approximately 17 miles on East Camino Cielo from Highway 154. The parking lot for the OHV road is on the right side of East Camino Cielo 12.5 miles from Highway 154.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: September 25, 2021 }
Nearest city to Divide Peak OHV Route is Santa Barbara, California
View Santa Barbara, CA on Google Maps
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Known points on this trail
Starting point for Divide Peak OHV Trailhead
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
Max Width of: 50 inches
$5.00 per person adventure pass required
Tent: $5.00, RV: $5.00, Additional vehicle: $0.00 middle santa ynez campground fee adventure pass required
Los Padres National Forest - Santa Barbara Ranger District 3505 Paradise Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 967-3481
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Enjoy the Mountain Off Road Adventures 29121 Hook Creek Road Cedar Glen, CA 92321 (844) 386-6691 [email protected]
No Description
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