Niagara OHV Campground situated in a mixed conifer forest. It is located on Forest Road 5N01. Turn right off of Highway 108 at Eagle Meadow Road (5N01), about 15 miles from the Summit Ranger Station and follow Eagle Meadow Road approximately 3 miles to the campground. There are 10 sites; each site has a table and a fire ring. The main road and parking pads are dirt-surfaced.
{ Last know status: Closed | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: August 31, 2021 }
Nearest city to Niagara OHV Area is Pinecrest, California
View Pinecrest, CA on Google Maps
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A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
late spring - late fall
Tent: $10.00, RV: $10.00, Additional vehicle: $0.00 niagara ohv campground fee
Stanislaus National Forest - Summit Ranger District #1 Pinecrest Lake Road Pinecrest, CA 95364 (209) 965-3434 (209) 533-1890
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Mud Sweat And Gears P.O. Box 3474 Sonora, CA 95370
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