This place has a family friendly ride on easy forest service roads that run directly from the campgrounds, and wind up to Verdi Peak for some nice views of Boca Reservoir. There are a handful of side trails, but the single track trails are hard to find. The roads are so mild, it's a quick shot to the peak, and you can make your way toward Bull Ranch Creek (Dog Valley) for some more interesting trails. Camping is available at the trailhead (see driving directions). Note that the campgrounds in the general area around Boca, Stampede, and Prosser Reservoirs are closed during the winter months, often until mid or late May. Sections of the trail leading to Verdi Peak may also be snow-covered well into late spring.
{ Last know status: Closed | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: August 23, 2021 }
Nearest city to Verdi Peak OHV is Hirschdale, California
View Hirschdale, CA on Google Maps
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A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
april 24 - december 31
Tent: $20.00, RV: $20.00, Additional vehicle: $5.00 boca rest and boca springs campground fees
Tahoe National Forest - Truckee Ranger District 9646 Donner Pass Road Truckee, CA 96161-2949 (530) 587-3558
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