This popular recreation area has about 50 miles of designated multiple-use trails and a couple play areas. The terrain is mostly hard packed and crusty with light to moderate elevation changes. The trail system has three access points but the lower staging area is the designated parking area for OHVs and has visitors plenty of room for parking, a couple gazebos with picnic tables, an informational kiosk and restrooms. There is no running water so come prepared.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: 50 Mile(s) | Last updated: December 24, 2017 }
Nearest city to Shepherd Ah Nei Recreation Area is Billings, Montana
View Billings, MT on Google Maps
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A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
$5.00 per ohv
OHV Trail Hotline (406) 896-5014
BLM - Billings Field Office 5001 Southgate Drive Billings, MT 59101 (406) 896-5013
No Description
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Montana Fish, Wildlife And Parks 1420 East 6th Avenue Helena, MT 59620-0701 (406) 444-2950 [email protected]
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