Nowater OHV Area has around 160 miles of multiple use trails. Nowater OHV Area has scenic mountain views and has several access points. The trails connect to the towns of Ten Sleep, Manderson and Worland and some sections wind through active oil and gas fields. For a unique soaking opportunity check out the Hot Springs State Park, home to the largest mineral hot springs in the world! Nowater OHV Area provides a free bath house where the water is maintained at the constant temperature of 104 degrees.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: November 29, 2017 }
Nearest city to Nowater OHV Area is Manderson, Wyoming
View Manderson, WY on Google Maps
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A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
BLM - Worland Field Office 101 South 23rd Street Worland, WY 82401 (307) 347-5100 [email protected]
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Wyoming Department of State Parks 2301 Central Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002 (877) 996-7275 (307) 777-6323 [email protected]
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