Snake Creek OHV Trails has two separate trail systems, one southern and one northern section. The southern section has 13.5 miles of multiple use trails while the northern sections has several miles of hiking trails. Camping is permitted at the staging area and is free but primitive, so bring your own supplies.
{ Last know status: Open | Approximate size: Unknown Mile(s) | Last updated: May 21, 2021 }
Nearest city to Snake Creek OHV Trails is Kellogg, Minnesota
View Kellogg, MN on Google Maps
open link
A spark arrestor or exhaust cap is required
Limit of: 96 db
Max Width of: 65 inches
may - november 1
MN DNR Trails And Waterways - Rochester Area Office (507) 285-7176
Minnesota DNR License Bureau 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 (888) 665-4236 [email protected]
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